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La Guajira Peninsula in the north of Colombia shares the border with Venezuela and is one of the most beautifully striking and magnificent territories in the continent. Among the forests and beaches that make up this hidden paradise, one can find the Wayuu People. This indigenous tribe have lived in this area for hundreds of years, surviving the invasion not only of the Spaniards and other cultures, but also of the modern and invasive way of life of the world. The Wayuu live in small settlements calles “rancherias”, arranged in groups of five to seven houses.

In these small communities the Wayuu have been able to preserve their way of life, passing it down from generation to generation, along with their traditions and culture. The Wayuu society is organized in matrilineal clans, thus the children bear their mother’s last name and the women are the center of the family, the community, and the culture. As young girls come of age, they learn from their mothers everything they need to become great leaders and to carry other heritage into a new generation of empowered women. One of the most remarkable and outstanding raditions of the Wayuu women is the weaving of bags called “Mochilas”. The crochet technique they used is enhanced by their creativity, and each bag tells a unique story through its design of different shapes, patterns and colors that represent their culture, their life and their history.

The story tells of a spider called “Wale’kerü” who taught the women how to weave their drawings into beautiful bags or “Mochilas”, thus spreading their history into something that will stand the test of time. Join us at Nina Mochila into bringing Wale’kerü’s message to the world and helping the Wayuu women share their story while contributing to the betterment of their communities and the prosperity of their families. Learn more and be part of the story on our website and our social networks.

By Diego Garzón

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